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Thoughts & Inspiration

Over sharing? I hope so.


The reality of the women trapped in the sex trade hits me at different moments throughout the day. My eyes have been opened and I look at everything differently. Seeing billboards that advertise Adult Superstores send an even more repulsed shiver down my spine. Songs that refer to “hoes” 

and “pimps” in such a light manner make my heart sick. And after hearing about the trafficking that takes place in the US at the hands of truck drivers I have to remind myself that not all truck drivers are participating or even aware and I cannot lecture them all. 


And then sometimes I have moments where I try and imagine what it would be like to be a girl stuck in thesex industry. For example the other day I had to get a physical at a women’s clinic; which is something I dread and promise not to write about in detail. But a thought struck me as I sat uncomfortably in the small room waiting for the doctor to come in. I felt very vulnerable, exposed and anxious as I waited for my examination. I began to think of all the women and children who at that moment were also waiting in rooms. (Filthy, dingy rooms without a view.) They were not going to be seen by a trust-worthy doctor but men who would use and abuse them in ways we

cannot begin to imagine. My trivial amount of anxiety could in no way relate to theirs. My discomfort was for the purpose of heath and yet for them there is no purpse, they are used for someone else's gain and all they receive is pain…soul penetrating pain. I felt a tiny bit exposed and yet these women are completely exposed, defenseless and ever so violated. My discomfort lasted 10 minutes and theirs lasts for what must seem like an eternity. 


I write about these kinds of things not to “over share” but to create awareness and understanding. We have to get involved. Their freedom is so important and the hope of eternity of complete redemption though Christ. My team is wanting to mobilize people to get involved. If you want to help in anyway please feel free to contact me. There is so much that is being done and so much that needs to be done. Let Christ make a difference in you. And don't ever forget that it could be you in the filthy room….but its not and there is a reason for that. 


My email: [email protected]


  1. It’s ugly, any way you cut it. There’s no way to help but to get down in the muck and get dirty.

    Remind Karen and I to tell you about what it was like to take our kids with us to teach abstinence in Swaziland’s high schools in 2004. We constantly were in a place of being uncomfortable and having to talk about stuff that we’d all kept private.

  2. Well Lauren, I hope you keep “over sharing”!!! God will bless you and your teammate’s time in Cambodia and I know that all of you will make a huge difference in many women’s lives. I’m greatful that you share to make us aware of what is really happening in the world, it’s a beautiful thing what you are doing. Blessings on you and the team and safe travels!

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