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Thoughts & Inspiration

Something much larger than me

I am sitting at a friends house in Georgia in awe. The last couple of days have gone by so quickly that I have to remind myself that they happened. I have met the girls that will be going with me to Cambodia and I am so thankful. Sometimes words do not describe feelings very well. When I say thankful I mean that there is this joy and peace bubbling up inside of me and I feel so overwhelmed by God’s goodness. These are the moments I need to write about and remember in the hard times. I don’t want to pull an “Israel.” 🙂 

Sometimes it is easy to get stuck in our own worlds and not realize the big picture. God is constantly working and moving and painting a beautiful masterpiece. I was able to get a glimpse of that masterpiece this week in my team. It is amazing how God starts answering prayers before we even pray. For example to bring each girl to this team he has been working for years even before we were even born. He has been guiding all of our steps and got us all to the same place in this moment of time. Every small decision and every major decision has brought all of us to this mission and it is not a mistake. God is intentional. He has created each woman in our team for a unique purpose and at the moment our purposes get to dance together as worship to God. What an amazing artist we serve! 

It is amazing to me that the God that created the universe cares about the details of our lives. An example: I found out that my team training would be in Georgia and then a week later I was to be in my friends wedding; which was also taking place in Georgia.  Perfect timing! And perfect location! Coincidence? Satan would have be think so. God knew my financial situation and provided money for training and took care of the plane ticket. Thank you so much for those of you who made that happen. And this week I got to stay with some new friends and because of them I was able to speak at their church and receive prayer and financial support. God can use anything if we are open and willing! I am amazed and completely humbled. 

I have confidence going into this summer that God is going to provide. And none of this is about me. I am simply a vessel bering directed by God and I am so honored. He keeps igniting me with a passion for those who have been abused and for the abusers as well and standing up for justice and love. In church yesterday the pastor talked about how we live in a free country and how blessed we are. And I thought of all of the people around the world who do not have that same freedom. Women and children who don’t even have the freedom when it comes to their own bodies. I want to challenge you and myself to never take that for granted. Those of us who do have that freedom have a responsibility to speak out for them. And that is my desire! But more than that I want them to know Christ and have the freedom that comes in him. I am so excited to see what God has in store for the moment and the future!  


The Lord works righteousness 

and justice for all who are oppressed.” 

Pslam 103: 6 


I encourage you to read the whole passage! It beautiful.